Posted: June 7th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: ftp wave, guadalajara, justiceforgiovanni | Comments Off on On the protests in Guadalajara for Giovanni

What follows is a reportback from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico that was sent to us by a comrade there last night (June 6th). What follows is the English-language translation.
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Posted: June 7th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: justiciaparagiovanni, mexico | Comments Off on Sobre las manis para Giovanni en Guadalajara (MX)
Lo que sigue abajo es un reportaje por un camarada de Guadalajara. Aquí lo reproducimos como lo hemos recibido.
La primera manifestación ocurrió en reacción al asesinato de Giovanni Lopez un albañil en un poblado rural a las afueras de la ciudad, fue arrestado en la puerta de su casa y torturado solo por no usar un cubre bocas.
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Posted: June 6th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: anti-negrura, anti-policiaco, ftp, ftp wave | Comments Off on La ola anti-policíaca

La bandera dice, “todo se debe ir.” Es un frase común para ventas en los EE.UU pero aquí lleva un sentido alterado y anti-política.
Para George Floyd y contra este mundo anti-negro.
En el vigésima octava aniversario de los disturbios de 1992 en Los Angeles, escribimos ‘Mirando la ciudad hoy, lo único que mantiene el fusible apagado es la amenaza de COVID-19. La misma mierda racista, clasista, sexista y anti-negra que teníamos en 1992 todavía está aquí, pero se intensificó por la gentrificación y todo lo que trae ”.
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Posted: June 1st, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: anti-blackness, anti-police, blm, ftp wave, george floyd, lariots3 | Comments Off on #FTP WAVE

This photograph was taken on Beverly Blvd in the Westside of the city.
For George Floyd and against this anti-black world.
On the 28th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots that began on April 29, 1992 we wrote “Looking at the city today, the only thing keeping the fuse off is the threat of COVID-19. The same racist, classist, sexist, anti-black bullshit we had back in 1992 is still here but intensified by gentrification & all it brings.”
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Posted: April 21st, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: france, giletsnoirs | Comments Off on The Gilets Noirs in their own words

Today, April 21, 2020, the Gilets noirs movement in France has published a presentation of their movement, their principles and their goals. What follows is our translation of the French language flyer, the original flyer is below.
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Posted: April 14th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: coronavirus, covid19, feverstruggle | Comments Off on Corona Capital: part two

The following text was written by communization theorist, Léon de Mattis and published by Des Nouvelles Du Front on April 12th, 2020. What follows is our translation of the second part. The first part can be found here:
Class struggle and pandemic
This the second part of the text entitled, “Corona Capital.” The first part posed the question of the economic and financial crisis of capitalism and its possibilities of restructuring. Now it is a question of looking at the struggles during the epidemic and its aftermath, when the restructuring of capitalism may begin.
Class struggle: renewal or questioning of capitalist social relations
Before developing this second part, some generalities about class struggle. It opposes two poles of the capitalist mode of production: the capitalist class and the proletariat. These two poles are not sociological entities, but the two sides of the same system and their confrontation is its dynamic. On the capitalist side, the class struggle is carried out directly in the process of work for the extraction of surplus value, but also in a very general way, since capitalism at the present moment takes charge of all aspects of the reproduction of society. Likewise on the proletarian side, the class struggle is not limited to conflicts in the workplace but concerns daily life: housing, education, immigration status, living conditions, etc. It is therefore necessary to understand the notion of class struggle in a very broad way, encompassing, in one pole as in the other, various forms, and not only open conflicts. On the proletarian side, the refusal of labor, certain illegal practices, collective or individual acts of revolt are elements of class struggle. On the capitalist side, law, propaganda and politics are instruments at the service of class struggle.
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Posted: April 13th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: coronavirus, covid19, feverstruggle | Comments Off on Corona Capital: part one

The following text was written by communization theorist, Léon de Mattis and published by Des Nouvelles Du Front on April 12th, 2020. What follows is our translation of the first part. Translation of the second part is forthcoming.
Epidemic crisis and crisis of capital
This text is an attempt to begin reflecting on the impact of the Coronavirus crisis. This crisis has already brought about profound upheaval within the capitalist economy and is accompanied, even within the current moment of [social] confinement, a certain social agitation. It is not impossible for this social unrest to spread, particularly towards the end of the epidemic, especially if the magnitude of the changes makes a return to normalcy impossible.
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Posted: March 29th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: carbure blog, covid19, economic crisis | Comments Off on Health crisis, economic crisis and social crisis are all the same thing

Originally written by the anti-state communist Carbure Blog and published on Des Nouvelles Du Front in French on March 29th, 2020. What follows is our translation.
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Posted: March 28th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Comments Off on Essential Work?

Splitting proles into the categories of ‘essential workers’ and ‘non-essential workers’ (if they’re employed at all!) is a reflection of capitalist ideology. ALL wage labor is an imposition whether caring for the infirm or filing papers in some business firm. What is today highlighting the role of so-called ‘essential workers’ is the overwhelming risk that they are compelled to enter, via the wage and/or vocational notions, to keep the capitalist world humming along. But it is this non-communal, piecemeal and capitalist approach to confronting the pandemic which ends up over-burdening these ‘essential workers’ with the responsibility for resolving or providing logistical support for a crisis not of their making and of which they have very little say. As it stands, a largely wildcat strike wave is upon us (e.g. Instacart, Amazon, Whole Foods, sanitation workers, bus drivers, etc.). These workers are striking in rejection of their being sacrificed during these times of pandemic. They become another resource, another number deployed by bosses and the State and not a part of a communal social fabric combating something which can effect us all. Capitalist media abounds with stories of the hero-making myth of many workers, but as we see more and more even these workers know when they’re being swindled into believing their occupation is a lofty vocation that somehow exists above capitalist social relations.

“PITTSBURGH, PA – Today, a group of several hundred, mostly African-American sanitation workers in Pittsburgh, members of Teamsters Local 249, went out on an illegal, wildcat strikes to protest unsafe working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Specifically waged labor now dubbed as essential is often deeply racialized & gendered under capitalism; its perpetuation would only further the naturalization of sexist & racist notions of who is naturally pre-disposed for which kind of labor. Some may feel smugly superior to their boss knowing that their labor is more ‘essential’ than that of others, but the fact of the matter is that ALL wage labor creates a social situation which only benefits those who profit. What people are rightly noticing is that certain kinds of labor are indeed superfluous to human existence, something which communists & anarchists have never denied, but to simplistically champion the labor necessary for human existence under capitalism would merely reinforce the racialized & gendered division of labor, whether waged or unwaged. Suffice to say it also naturalizes the capitalist category of labor (where proles are reduced to their labor power). We are more than workers.
To re-imagine how we can communally care for each other is something that we must bear in mind and action, as communists & anarchists, if we care about overcoming what a racist & sexist capitalist system offers us. Those dubbed as ‘essential workers’ cannot pay rent with our well-wishing, cannot be protected from infection with thank-yous or attend to their families with while being forced to work interminable hours. The beginning of truly communal care is beyond the realm of capitalist work. Otherwise care and health work will be relegated to the same over-burdened workers. It is essential that we support employed proles on strike, as well as those those who may not have the capacity to go on strike, by not crossing the picket-line and not by not buying into capitalist ideology that says their labor must not stop. It is clear the State and capitalists have no real plan to get out of this manifold crisis that does not include primarily saving their capitalist economy. The transformation of this social crisis into a crisis for the capitalists, through communist measures, is what will help us truly care for each other and abolish capitalist social relations once and for all.
Posted: December 31st, 2019 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: anthology, ineditas | Comments Off on Ediciones Inéditas Anthology
Anthology of original essays published as Ediciones Inéditas (project previous to this one). Designed & compiled by post.chicanx.
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