Posted: June 7th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: ftp wave, guadalajara, justiceforgiovanni | Comments Off on On the protests in Guadalajara for Giovanni

What follows is a reportback from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico that was sent to us by a comrade there last night (June 6th). What follows is the English-language translation.
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Posted: June 6th, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: anti-negrura, anti-policiaco, ftp, ftp wave | Comments Off on La ola anti-policíaca

La bandera dice, “todo se debe ir.” Es un frase común para ventas en los EE.UU pero aquí lleva un sentido alterado y anti-política.
Para George Floyd y contra este mundo anti-negro.
En el vigésima octava aniversario de los disturbios de 1992 en Los Angeles, escribimos ‘Mirando la ciudad hoy, lo único que mantiene el fusible apagado es la amenaza de COVID-19. La misma mierda racista, clasista, sexista y anti-negra que teníamos en 1992 todavía está aquí, pero se intensificó por la gentrificación y todo lo que trae ”.
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Posted: June 1st, 2020 | Author: ineditas | Filed under: General | Tags: anti-blackness, anti-police, blm, ftp wave, george floyd, lariots3 | Comments Off on #FTP WAVE

This photograph was taken on Beverly Blvd in the Westside of the city.
For George Floyd and against this anti-black world.
On the 28th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots that began on April 29, 1992 we wrote “Looking at the city today, the only thing keeping the fuse off is the threat of COVID-19. The same racist, classist, sexist, anti-black bullshit we had back in 1992 is still here but intensified by gentrification & all it brings.”
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